Statistical Methods – The Conventional Approach vs. The Simulation-based Approach

As a Senior Biostatistician, I’ve spent years navigating the intricate world of data, seeking the most reliable methods to draw meaningful conclusions. Statistical methods are indispensable tools in data analysis, facilitating decision-making, hypothesis testing, and predictive modeling across diverse domains. Among these methods, simulation-based and conventional statistical approaches stand out for their distinct techniques and applications. The main challenge for every statistical creed is constructing what we refer to as the sampling distribution or the ‘big picture.’ We need to get the most out of the limited collected data and derive results that represent the data itself and provide insight into all the possible data that could have been collected. This construction of the big picture is where the differences between conventional and simulation-based statistical approaches originate. 

What are Statistical Methods? 

Statistical methods are indispensable tools in data analysis, facilitating decision-making, hypothesis testing, and predictive modeling across diverse domains. Among these methods, simulation-based and conventional statistical approaches stand out for their distinct techniques and applications. 

The main challenge for every statistical creed is how to construct what we refer to as the sampling distribution or the ‘big picture”. We need to get the most out of the limited collected data. Therefore, we would like to derive results from such data that not only represents the data itself, but also provides an insight into all the possible data that could have been collected. We would like to know where this collected data stands among the vast possible unobserved data. The construction of such a big picture is where the differences between the conventional and simulation-based statistical approaches originate from. 

Conventional Statistical Methods 

Conventional statistical methods are grounded in mathematical theory and probability distributions. They typically make assumptions about underlying population distributions and utilize sample data to draw conclusions or make inferences. The critical inferences such as p-value and CI (the Confidence Interval) are derived using the test statistics. The test statistics that represent the sampling distribution are constructed using the assumed underlying distribution. 

A classic example of a conventional statistical method is the sample mean x̅ for a normally distributed population. x̅ estimates the actual mean of the total population. It is known to also have a normal distribution with a variance that is equal to that of the sample divided by n. 

Aside from classical hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are other prime examples of conventional statistical methods prevalent in research and decision-making. 

Simulation-based Statistical Methods 

Simulation-based methods involve the creation of artificial models to mimic real-world phenomena. These methods leverage repeated random sampling to approximate complex systems or processes. 

There are several simulation-based statistical approaches. The most widely used methods are the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and the resampling approaches, in particular the bootstrapping method. 

The MCMC method relies on probability distributions by constructing a Markov chain that converges to the desired distribution. These simulation-based approaches are particularly useful for Bayesian inference, where the goal is to estimate posterior distributions of model parameters given observed data. MCMC techniques are widely employed in statistics, machine learning, and computational biology. 

The idea behind the bootstrapping process is that each and every subject in the observed sample represents a population of unobserved data. Therefore, if we were to collect a different set of data, we could possibly have similar observations in it. In fact, each observed data could occur more than once as there could always be several individuals out there with the same characteristics. 

The sampling distribution using the simulation-based approaches is created using the many artificial data sets created. Inferences are then based on this sampling distribution. For instance, the p-value is evaluated based on where the statistic from the real observed data falls within the sampling distribution. As another example a 95% CI (here standing for the Credible Interval rather than the Confidence Interval) is constructed by separating a range of the sampling distribution that represents 95% of the possible outcomes (mostly the 2.5% – 97.55% range is chosen). 

A Comparison Between the Two Approaches 

Simulation-based approaches offer several advantages over conventional statistical methods in certain contexts. They are particularly valuable for modeling complex systems and exploring hypothetical scenarios. For example, in multi-hypothesis tests, where multiple competing hypotheses need to be evaluated simultaneously, simulation-based methods can efficiently generate data under each hypothesis to assess their respective likelihoods. Additionally, simulation-based methods excel in power calculation, where the sample size required to detect a predefined effect size with a given level of confidence is determined through repeated simulations under various scenarios. 

On the other hand, conventional statistical methods are preferred when analytical solutions are feasible or when making inferences about well-defined populations. These methods rely on parametric assumptions and statistical tests with known properties, making them suitable for hypothesis testing and parameter estimation. For instance, in power calculation, conventional statistical methods often rely on theoretical formulas derived from probability distributions to determine the sample size needed for a desired level of statistical power. 

The Pros and Cons 

Simulation-based approaches demonstrate robustness against violations of distributional assumptions and can handle nonlinear relationships effectively. However, they can be computationally intensive, requiring significant computational resources for large-scale simulations or optimization problems. Moreover, the validity of simulation results hinges on the accuracy of the underlying model assumptions, introducing uncertainty into the analysis. 

Conventional statistical methods, while simpler to implement and interpret, are limited by their reliance on parametric assumptions and the availability of closed-form solutions. They may not be suitable for complex, real-world problems with unknown or non-standard distributions. Furthermore, conventional statistical methods may fail to capture the inherent variability and randomness present in many natural phenomena, potentially leading to biased or misleading results. 

Both simulation-based and conventional statistical methods offer valuable tools for data analysis and inference, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. The choice between these methods depends on the nature of the problem, the availability of data, and the underlying assumptions. By understanding the nuances of each approach, researchers can make informed decisions and enhance the rigor and reliability of their statistical analyses.